Sunday, October 17, 2010

Celebrate The Smaller Moments In Life...

  • I've blogged about working at the nations in Lund multiple times, they're such a great experience and then getting the tackfests after (free dinner and alcohol) doesn't hurt too much after. However, there is an added bonus I have failed to mention. If you work at a nation a certain amount of times (often 3 but sometimes 2) you also are able to get in for FREE, yes, I repeat FREE for the rest of the semester which saves you about $7-$9 when you got out. Trust me, it's worth it and it's amazing. I know have free entry into Lunds Nation and Wermlands Nation for the rest of the semester. I've also worked at Blekingska Nation, Krischan Nation and Sydskånska Nation and I assure you, the Kaliforniens travel in packs and we aren't done yet :).
  • I have gotten way more comfortable riding my bike here. I was pretty traumatized when I also got sideswiped by a moving vehicle while riding a bike in the Netherlands, and I must say that it has stuck with me. Riding bikes has become so handy, although Lund isn't large at's a easy way to get from point A to point B. I also wonder if my calves and thighs will ever stop burning from that damn thing. I am proud to report that I am not able to ride with only one hand AND pedal at the same time (trust me, I had to work up to that as well), I can signal (but pretty much only if I'm turning left) and I'm starting to take both hands off the handlebars and it will happen, definitely will.
  • I've been able to get away with not speaking English to Swedes..I'm talking in grocery stores, convenient stores, at nations. However this doesn't mean that I speak Swedish to them, I just say nothing at all, simply smile and pretend that I'm Swedish. There's nothing worse than letting a Swede get midway through a sentence before you interject with a "Jag pratar inte Svenska" or the Julia way "I'm sorry, can you speak English?" which then leads into the long conversation and great fascination of, "Where are you from?" "Oh California" "Ohhhhh California!!" I can't really understand for crap because different areas in Sweden have different dialects (not that I can pick up on them but it's a good excuse, at least), and I only can pick up small words here and there. But I'm finding that I can oftentimes read it fairly well, which means that I can sometimes understand Swedes Facebook status updates or wall postings :). I even had a friend say to twice on two separate occasions, "Vad sa du?" which means "What did you say?" and even after that said a whole sentence to me in Swedish, to which I must have looked quite dumbfounded. Is it possible that I'm even fooling that Swedes that know me into believing that I might be able to speak/understand their language? It's too soon to tell but I will certainly report back.
  • I'm planning on getting a tattoo rather soon! I feel like I need to get something on my body while I'm here, and if possible I hope to acquire another tattoo again in the spring before I leave. I found this awesome tattoo shop in Copenhagen, Denmark (about an hour away by train from Lund) that reminds me of the Spider Murphy's back in San Rafael. I'm looking to get a pink lilly flower on my right lower calf, it reminds me of home and of my mom. I'm currently in the process of booking an appointment, more news on that later.
  • I'M DONE WITH TWO OF MY FOUR CLASSES FOR THE SEMESTER. This has to be the most bizarre feeling to barely have school, less than I already did. Now instead of having maybe 4-6 hours of school a week, I have about 2-4..very bizarre feeling indeed but that just means I get to enjoy the beautiful Lund in autumn!

Well, I suppose that's all I have for the moment. This past weekend was a great success in my mind, filled with tackfests and tons and tons of dancing. Thinking of and missing everyone back home, and anyone who reads this. God natt och tons of love from Sverige.

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